Batman : The Dark Knight Rises 2012

Finally, i've a chance to watch this movie. I wanted since i heard Tom Hardy played the Bane character, the voice, the weight, the story. I know him from Inception 2011 and This Means War 2012.

Tom Hardy
source : google
This is the third and the last Batman series played by Christian Bale as the main character Batman, and Christopher Nolan as the director, also there's Anne Hathaway as the Cat Woman.

I'd setting the schedule that after two or three day we've got salary, we will make a Ladies Day. For this month, i'm set the date July 27. Every girl in books area, stationery area and counter enjoy the time together. My first choice is to watch this movie at new cinema in the new mall, Kuningan City next to the place i worked. As soon as my working time over, i ran, yes i'm totally ran while texting my friend that i want to watch Batman : The Dark Knight Rises. I'm so so excited about this movie. Hufhh Someone almost spoiled the end of story.
Batman : The Dark Knight Rises movie ticket

after watching :
i'm feel so blazing. Damn, i can't believe Nolan made a very smart ending for this heroes epic movie. Bane, he's soooooo damn hot! Hahahha call me weird, i'm fine with that. This masked man have charisma when he spoke to the world, when he's breathe, i love it when he's cry. Full faces of Bane (played by Tom Hardy) only showed almost at the end of movie.

For me, It's totally must-watch movie in 2012. If you never watch from the beginning, i hope you start too. There're some part of this movie, having flashback memorial, and you'll not understand if you don't watch the previous. They are :
1. Batman Begins 
2. Batman : The Dark Knight
3. Batman : The Dark Knight Rises
Sometimes my employee ask what happen, why, how can he be this and that, who is the person that Alfred mention, etc. Bottom line, go to cinema and watch it. Period.
