My Julia Child Bruschetta

Hell yeah, after watching Julie & Julia. I began to search about who is Julia Child in google & youtube, what is she look like, how she teach us cooking, what is the main ingredients that she always used for cooking, where i can get her first book 'Mastering The Art of French Cooking', and the list keep on goin each time i google about her and her recipes. She's totally a legend.

In the movie, there's a part when Julie Powell and her hubby eat bruschetta, it looks so yummy..very very yummy. I start to google about it and find the recipe, it's really easy to make. The main ingredient for this recipe is Tomato, be honest i don't like and never eat it fresh tomato, because of this recipe i dare myself to eat and taste it.

This recipe, i got this from :
Pretty much all Julia Child Bruschetta recipe is the same, some of them improve it with change type of tomatos, olive oil or garlic part, etc.

Let me translate this recipe to Indonesia language too, so i can help my friends make it too.

Julia Child Bruschetta Recipe

Ingredients :                                                     Bahan :

-1 lb ripe grape tomatoes, sliced-1 buah tomat cherry matang, iris
-1/3 cup fresh basil, chopped -1/3 cangkir kemangi segar, cincang
-1 loaf crusty French (or italian)  bread, sliced 3/4 inch thick-1 roti Prancis  (atau italia), iris 3/4 inci tebal
-2 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced in half -2 siung bawang putih, kupas dan iris menjadi dua
-1/4-1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil -1/4-1/3 cangkir minyak zaitun (extra virgin)
-4 ounces parmesan cheese, shred-4 ons keju parmesan, iris

Directions :Cara :
1Mix tomatoes and basil together and season with salt and pepper.1Campur tomat dan kemangi bersama dan bumbui dengan garam & merica.
2Set aside.2Sisihkan.
3Fry Bread: Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in frying pan and fry bread until golden brown on both side.3Roti Goreng: Panaskan 2 sdm minyak zaitun dalam wajan dan goreng roti sampai kuning kecoklatan di kedua sisi nya.
4Remove and drain on paper towel.4Angkat dan tiriskan di atas handuk kertas.
5Rub one side with garlic clove.5Gosok satu sisi dengan bawang putih.
3aToast Bread In Oven:.3aPanggang roti dalam oven
3bPlace bread on baking sheet and broil until golden brown on both sides; 12-15 minutes.3bTempatkan roti di atas loyang dan panggang sampai kecoklatan di kedua sisi; 12-15 menit.
4aRub one side with garlic clove and brush with olive oil.4aGosok satu sisi dengan bawang putih dan oles dengan minyak zaitun.
6Drain the tomato-basil mixture of excess liquid and spoon on to each slice of bread.6Tiriskan campuran tomat-kemangi dari cairan berlebih dan taruh diatas setiap roti.
7Top with parmesan cheese and serve immediately.7Berikan keju parmesan di atasnya dan sajikan segera.

Fyi, all ingredients and tools i buy it in Carrefour ITC Kuningan - South Jakarta. You can buy it in big grocery store.

Part One - Slice the cute tomatoes

Part Two - Prepare the ingredients

Part Three - Mix the ingredients

Part Four - Fry the bread (in here i used unsalted butter)

Last Part - EAT!!!!!

For this i must say, the most easiest and healthy recipe that i ever make and i can't wait to tell you this "I EAT TOMATOS!!! Yihaaaaaa..." hahahaha... My dad also love this bruschetta. This recipe really work for they who don't like tomato because the smell and the taste. Just give it a try and you'll fall in love with it over and over again.
