Ramadhan Holiday 2013

Its’a tradition in my family that every Ramadhan, we’ll give a snack and syrup for few neighbors. For us, it’s called R.E.S.P.E.C.T. I don’t know if other non-moslem have same tradition like my family or not. So every year we’ll go to shopping,choosing many kind of biscuits, wafers, syrup with different fruit flavor. In fact, there’s always be promo & lots of discount for that.

This year, me and my sister got lots of Giant Hypermarket [Hero] vouchers and we’re decided to do shopping there. Apart from discounted product, They have other promo when you’ll get a Rp. 5000,- Pertamina fuel voucher if you spent Rp. 200.000,-. We got 3 vouchers :p 

Showing the picture, doesn’t mean I want to brag,OK?! but because it’s real, we did this that might be not all non-moslem does that or perhaps it’ll faded by the time goes by.

We’re delivered them to neighbor on August 05 because most of them will be ‘mudik’- an ‘event’ when Ramadhan coming they’ll back or visit their ‘kampung’ to meet their grands to celebrate it there.

When that happen, main city remain ‘death’. No crowded, no traffic jam, stores closed. Everyone taking a rest and gathering with their my family. So do I.

We’re in Bogor for a week. Relax, chill, sleep, eat, more eat, more sleep. Lol.. Ouh ouh..we’ve fishpond in the back of villa where my dad put lots of Gurame fish. Just catch them and fried :p

When we’re back to home and meet our neighbors. Usually we will ‘salam-salaman’-shakehands as a ritual or a sign after Ramadhan that we forgive each other.

How was your Ramadhan holiday there?
